NBA All-Stars

Curry, Booker headline 2021 NBA 3-Point Contest

Martin Mendoza

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Curry, Booker headline 2021 NBA 3-Point Contest

CHAMPIONS. Steph Curry and Devin Booker will both try to add another Three-Point Contest title to their collection.

Photos by Jerome Miron/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters (Curry) Kevin Jairaj/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters (Booker)

For the first time in NBA history, the 2021 Three-Point Contest will be composed entirely of All-Stars

Former champions Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors and Devin Booker of the Phoenix Suns banner the list of participants for the 2021 NBA Three-Point Contest, which will take place right before the All-Star Game on Sunday, March 7 (Monday, March 8, Manila time) in Atlanta.

Curry – the 2015 Three-Point Contest champion – will compete in the event for the seventh time in his career, tying Dale Ellis for the second-most appearances in the event, just behind Craig Hodges (8).

The seven-time NBA All-Star Curry is currently averaging 29.5 points on 41.3% shooting from deep and has made a league-high 164 three-pointers this season.

Curry, Booker headline 2021 NBA 3-Point Contest

Booker, on the other hand, will make his fifth appearance in the event. The 2018 Three-Point Contest champion has made 61 three-pointers this season and is currently shooting 36.7% from three-point range.

Curry, Booker headline 2021 NBA 3-Point Contest

Along with Curry and Booker, the Three-Point Contest also features 2021 NBA All-Stars Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum of the Boston Celtics, Zach LaVine of the Chicago Bulls, and Donovan Mitchell of the Utah Jazz.

This marks the first Three-Point Contest in NBA history wherein each participant is a current NBA All-Star. –

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