US basketball

James Harden calls 76ers president Morey ‘a liar’ as trade talks end


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James Harden calls 76ers president Morey ‘a liar’ as trade talks end

BOUNCE BACK. James Harden and the 76ers get back on track with a convincing win over the Pistons.

Rick Osentoski/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

Disgruntled Philadelphia 76ers star James Harden publicly calls out team president and former Houston Rockets executive Daryl Morey amid unfruitful trade talks

James Harden made his position on Philadelphia 76ers president Daryl Morey abundantly clear at an event in China with Adidas.

“Daryl Morey is a liar and I will never be a part of an organization that he’s a part of,” Harden said. “Let me say that again: Daryl Morey is a liar and I will never be a part of an organization that he’s a part of.”

The 76ers ended trade talks involving Harden over the weekend after conversations with the Los Angeles Clippers were not fruitful, ESPN reported.

Harden, a 10-time All-Star acquired twice by Morey, maintains his preference is to play elsewhere. But the 76ers informed Harden’s representatives that they were expecting him to report to the team for training camp next month.

Harden agreed to pick up his $35.6 million player option in June to help facilitate a trade. All-Star teammate Joel Embiid said he remains hopeful Harden will be a part of the 2023-24 team.

Barring a trade, ESPN reported Harden was expecting a maximum level contract extension with the 76ers.

Morey was general manager of the Houston Rockets when Harden spent more than eight seasons with the franchise and won NBA MVP.

He acquired Harden a second time in the trade that brought him to Philadelphia and sent Ben Simmons to the Nets. –

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