US basketball

Wizards’ Kyle Kuzma opts out, to become free agent


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Wizards’ Kyle Kuzma opts out, to become free agent

KEY COG. Kyle Kuzma has played two seasons for the Wizards.

Washington Wizards Instagram page

Kyle Kuzma will be one of the hottest free agents on the NBA market after averaging a career-high in points during his previous season with the Wizards

Washington Wizards forward Kyle Kuzma declined his $13 million player option and will hit the free-agent market, ESPN reported Tuesday, June 20.

The move was expected. A return to the Wizards on a new deal also is a possibility, per the report.

Regardless, Kuzma will be one of hottest free agents on the market. The 27-year-old averaged a career-high 21.2 points in 64 starts this past season, his second in D.C. He also pulled down 7.2 rebounds per game and collected 3.7 assists.

He averages 16.5 points and 6.4 boards in 406 career games (276 starts) with the Los Angeles Lakers (2017-21) and Wizards.

Kuzma was selected No. 27 overall in 2017 and then dealt to the Lakers in a draft-night trade that saw D’Angelo Russell go to the Brooklyn Nets.

He was dealt to the Wizards in August 2021 in the five-team trade that was highlighted by Russell Westbrook going to the Lakers.

The Wizards are evolving under the direction of new president Michael Winger, who just dealt Bradley Beal to the Phoenix Suns. –

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