US basketball

Officials virtually monitoring Draymond Green’s progress amid suspension – report


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Officials virtually monitoring Draymond Green’s progress amid suspension – report

MAINSTAY. Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green (23) walks off the court at half time against the Los Angeles Clippers at Chase Center.

Kelley L Cox/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

Warriors veteran Draymond Green is serving an indefinite suspension after hitting Suns big man Jusuf Nurkic, marking the third time he got ejected this season

Officials from the NBA, the players association, the Golden State Warriors, and Draymond Green are meeting virtually as a way of assessing the veteran forward’s progress toward returning from an indefinite suspension, ESPN reported Monday, December 25 (Tuesday, December 26, Manila time).

Green was suspended after punching Phoenix’s Jusuf Nurkic on December 12, the latest incident in Green’s sometimes tempestuous career.

The conditions for his eventual reinstatement include individual counseling sessions as well as his participation in the meetings over Zoom. So far, Green has been “open and engaged” in the process, per the report.

The NBA will determine the length of the suspension, though ESPN said there’s a “general belief” that it likely will run for 11 to 13 games. He is allowed to practice with the team and use facilities for conditioning.

So far, Green has missed six games, and the Warriors have won the past five. They play at Denver on Monday.

The incident with Nurkic resulted in Green’s third ejection of the season. He also made headlines on November 14 when he was ejected for putting Minnesota Timberwolves center Rudy Gobert in a headlock during an on-court scrum.

That led to a five-game suspension for Green, who was first thrown out of a game this season on November 11 after being tagged with two technical fouls against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

He has been suspended six times in his career.

In 15 games this season, the 33-year-old Green has averaged 9.7 points, 5.5 rebounds, and 5.8 assists.

He is in his 12th season with Golden State and has won four NBA titles with the Warriors. He’s also a four-time All-Star and two-time All-NBA selection. –

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