NBA regular season

Clippers’ Paul George fined for criticizing officials


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Clippers’ Paul George fined for criticizing officials

STAR. LA Clippers forward Paul George (13) reacts during in the second half against the Denver Nuggets at Ball Arena.

Ron Chenoy/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

Paul George criticizes NBA officiating as the struggling Clippers fall to the Nuggets for their sixth straight defeat

The NBA fined Los Angeles Clippers forward Paul George $35,000 on Thursday, November 16 (Friday, November 17, Manila time), for criticizing officiating earlier this week.

The amount of the fine “is based in part on George’s history of public criticism of the officiating,” the NBA’s press release said.

George’s remarks came after the Clippers lost their sixth straight game on Tuesday against the Denver Nuggets, 111-108.

“I thought we played great,” George said. “It’s tough, the adversity of playing against the extra three (officials). I thought they were awful. But, (against the) defending champs, we got to play better. …

“Jump shots, getting hit, smacked on the forearm. I mean, it was poor, a poor job. But, again, we got to be able to beat these guys on their floor and not rely on that. Again, they (are) calling something on one end, they got to call it on the other.”

George was also fined $35,000 for criticism of officiating in February 2020 and March 2021. He had previously paid fines of $10,000 and $25,000 for the same offense earlier in his career. –

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