Mixed Martial Arts

Jhanlo Sangiao promises to level up shortcomings after 1st MMA loss


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Jhanlo Sangiao promises to level up shortcomings after 1st MMA loss

Jhanlo Sangiao


Team Lakay rising star Jhanlo Mark Sangiao vows a bounce-back effort after suffering his first ONE Championship career defeat to Enkh-Orgil Baatarkhuu after six straight wins

MANILA, Philippines – Jhanlo Mark Sangiao wants nothing more than to make up for what he feels is a missed opportunity after experiencing his first MMA loss.

In Team Lakay’s Table Talks on the squad’s YouTube channel, the 21-year-old revealed that he wants nothing more than to get back at Enkh-Orgil Baatarkhuu, the man who put a dent in his erstwhile immaculate record late last year.

The second-generation martial artist admitted that he wasn’t fully prepared to face the Mongolian powerhouse, with Baatarkhuu showing a different kind of toughness than what Sangiao saw from previous foes.

“Honestly, I wasn’t fully prepared for that fight,” Sangiao said.

“Physically, I feel like I was 100 percent ready, but mentally there were just too many distractions. Unfortunately, things didn’t end up well for me, but you know, it’s not the end.”

The 21-year-old feels that he might have given up too quickly the moment Baatarkhuu locked in the kimura.

It was a tough loss to swallow for Sangiao, especially since he hurt the 34-year-old on the ropes early in the bout. But he failed to maximize on those advantages, allowing Baatarkhuu to creep back into the match and dominate in the second round.

“After that fight, I really internalized and looked back on the mistakes I had during the fight. I felt like I gave up too easily,” he said.

“That kimura wasn’t fully extended but I don’t know what was going through my head. In the first round, I really had him. I think I was the first person to hurt him. “

Sangiao chalks this loss up to a lesson learned and experience gained, especially since his first six opponents didn’t really force him to dig down deep like Baatarkhuu did.

“My head was in the game but, honestly, in my mind I was thinking, ‘Why am I in this position? How did I end up here?’ Mostly I’m always on the top and in control, and all of a sudden I was on the bottom and being controlled,” he said.

“I think it was a mix of fatigue and his pressure, but it is what it is.”

Sangiao still tipped his hat to his old tormentor, but he promised to even the score should he get another shot at Baatarkhuu.

“Props to Enkh-Orgil,” Sangiao said, “but I will come back and get back at you.” – Rappler.com

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