Columbian Dyip drives past NLEX by 20 points

Delfin Dioquino

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Columbian Dyip drives past NLEX by 20 points
This is the second time this conference that Columbian posts a winning margin of at least 20 points

ANTIPOLO, Philippines – The Columbian Dyip barely looked like a team that won only one game last conference as they demolished the NLEX Road Warriors, 123-103, in the 2018 PBA Commissioner’s Cup at the Ynares Center here on Saturday, April 28. 

Three players chalked up at least 20 points to fuel the Dyip into their second win in 3 outings, with import C.J. Aiken carrying the scoring cudgels with a game-high 28 points on top of 10 rebounds and 4 blocks. 

Columbian’s locals showcased they were just as effective as Reden Celda scattered 26 points, 4 assists and 4 rebounds while Jerramy King poured in 23 points to go with 3 rebounds and 3 assists. 

Rashawn McCarthy was a rebound shy from a triple-double after registering 13 points, 12 assists and 9 rebounds for the Dyip, who won their second game with at least a 20-point winning margin following their 126-98 blasting of the Blackwater Elite last April 22.

The Road Warriors were within striking distance after trailing by just two points in the first quarter, 31-33, before the Dyip broke the game wide open in the middle quarters by sitting on a comfortable 95-80 cushion heading into the last frame. 

Columbian coach Ricky Dandan was left in awe of his wards’ effort. 

“You have to understand where I’m coming from when I say this, because we came from a one-win conference, but I am in awe with what our players have done today,” said Dandan.

“It’s only our second win but like I said, from where we are coming from, I really can’t help but be in awe of what our players have done, especially on the defensive end, I couldn’t ask for more.”

Import Adrian Forbes paced NLEX with 26 points, 17 rebounds and 5 assists while JR Quiñahan was the only other Road Warrior to breach the 20-point mark with 20 points. 

NLEX super rookie Kiefer Ravena was limited to just 9 points on a 3-of-10 shooting. 


The Scores:

Columbian (123): Aiken 28, Celda 26, King 23, Camson 13, McCarthy 13, Corpuz 6, Escoto 5, Khobuntin 4, Sara 3, Tubid 2, Lastimosa 0, Cabrera 0

NLEX (103): Forbes 26, Quiñahan 20, Fonacier 12, Baguio 11, Tiongson 10, Ravena 9, Soyud 8, Taulava 5, Miranda 2, Buenafe 0, Rios 0, Monfort 0, Ighalo 0

Quarter scores: 33-21, 62-50, 95-80, 123-103

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Delfin Dioquino

Delfin Dioquino dreamt of being a PBA player, but he did not have the skills to make it. So he pursued the next best thing to being an athlete – to write about them. He took up journalism at the University of Santo Tomas and joined Rappler as soon as he graduated in 2017.