PBA Philippine Cup

Chris Newsome bags PBA Player of the Week plum as Meralco nails playoff berth

Delfin Dioquino

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Chris Newsome bags PBA Player of the Week plum as Meralco nails playoff berth

LEADER. Chris Newsome shines on both ends as Meralco books its quarterfinals seat.


Chris Newsome and Meralco survive a rough stretch that saw them face powerhouse teams San Miguel, Barangay Ginebra, and Magnolia to clinch their quarterfinals berth in the PBA Philippine Cup

MANILA, Philippines – Chris Newsome proved to be a stabilizing presence as Meralco locked up its quarterfinals berth in the PBA Philippine Cup.

Newsome earned the PBA Press Corps Player of the Week honors for the period of July 13 to 17 for his all-around play that helped the Bolts rack up a 2-1 record against powerhouse teams San Miguel, Barangay Ginebra, and Magnolia.

Despite playing three games in five days against squads which are all in the top four, Meralco climbed to 6-4 to secure its place in the playoffs, with Newsome averaging 19.7 points, 5.3 rebounds, 4.7 assists, and 1.3 steals.

The Filipino-American guard started the week with 19 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists, and 2 steals as they demolished the Gin Kings in a 90-73 romp.

He then chalked up 24 points, 5 assists, 4 rebounds, 1 block, and 1 steal in a 97-88 overtime loss to the Hotshots, before netting 16 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists, and 1 steal in the Bolts’ quarterfinals-sealing 89-86 win over the Beermen.

“We feel if we’re capable of getting through that together, then we’ll be prepared come playoff time,” said the former Rookie of the Year about facing all three San Miguel Corporation teams in a single week.

“I think that is exactly what this last stretch did. It got us ready for the playoffs.”

Meralco pulled through even without head coach Norman Black, whose mother died in the United States last week.

“You have to give credit to this whole team because we keep each other going,” said Newsome.

“It does not matter who is scoring as long as we get the win. But when we play together, we realize we’re capable of doing great things.”

Newsome bested Rain or Shine guard Rey Nambatac and San Miguel big man June Mar Fajardo for the weekly citation following a close vote from the men and women who regularly cover the PBA beat. – Rappler.com

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Delfin Dioquino

Delfin Dioquino dreamt of being a PBA player, but he did not have the skills to make it. So he pursued the next best thing to being an athlete – to write about them. He took up journalism at the University of Santo Tomas and joined Rappler as soon as he graduated in 2017.