PBA Governors' Cup

Set for busy sched, TNT faces unbeaten Magnolia as PBA Governors’ Cup resumes

Delfin Dioquino

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Set for busy sched, TNT faces unbeaten Magnolia as PBA Governors’ Cup resumes

PERFECT RECORD. TNT looks to become the first team to beat Magnolia, which sits atop the standings with a 3-0 card.

PBA Images

TNT will play four games in the first eight days of the PBA Governors' Cup restart before some of its players reinforce Gilas Pilipinas for the FIBA World Cup Asian Qualifiers

MANILA, Philippines – Reigning PBA Philippine Cup champion TNT gets a crack at unbeaten Magnolia when the stalled Governors’ Cup resumes at the Araneta Coliseum on Friday, February 11.

Toting a 2-2 record, the Tropang Giga aim to become the first team to beat the Hotshots, who sit atop the standings with a 3-0 card, in a rematch of the previous all-Filipino finals at 6 pm.

It will be a hectic schedule for TNT as it plays four games in the first eight days of the conference restart before some of its players reinforce Gilas Pilipinas for the FIBA World Cup 2023 Asian Qualifiers starting on February 24.

The PBA agreed to tweak its schedule to give way for Chot Reyes and members of the Tropang Giga to focus on the national team, which will host Korea, New Zealand, and India in the World Cup qualifiers.

After Magnolia, TNT will face Phoenix on February 13, San Miguel on February 16, and Barangay Ginebra on February 18.

In the first game of the Governors’ Cup resumption at 3 pm on Friday, another undefeated team puts its flawless record on the line as Meralco (2-0) tangles with NLEX (4-1).

The PBA already welcomed back live audience for the first time in nearly two years in December but the league decided to shelve the season early in January due to the surge of coronavirus cases in Metro Manila.

PBA commissioner Willie Marcial previously said no fans will allowed at least during the first weekend of the conference restart, although there is consideration for the immediate return of live audience if the games run smoothly.

Here is the new schedule of the Governors’ Cup:

– Rappler.com

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Delfin Dioquino

Delfin Dioquino dreamt of being a PBA player, but he did not have the skills to make it. So he pursued the next best thing to being an athlete – to write about them. He took up journalism at the University of Santo Tomas and joined Rappler as soon as he graduated in 2017.