Philippine Olympic Committee

POC awards P10.6 million for Asian Games medalists

JR Isaga

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POC awards P10.6 million for Asian Games medalists

WINDFALL. Philippine Olympic Committee president Abraham “Bambol” Tolentino (fourth from left) awards Asian Games jiu-jitsu gold medalist Annie Ramirez (third from left) her P1 million cash bonus. With them are (from left) Nikko Huelgas, Richard Gomez, Cynthia Carrion-Norton, Pearl Managuelod, Dr. Raul Canlas and Wharton Chan

Philippine Olympic Committee

Asian Games gold medalists Annie Ramirez, Meggie Ochoa, and EJ Obiena each receive P1 million from the Philippine Olympic Committee after their golden finishes in Hangzhou earlier this year

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Olympic Committee rained a deserving cash windfall for the medalists of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games during its general assembly at the East Ocean Palace Restaurant in Parañaque City on Tuesday, December 12.

All in all, the committee released P10.6 million to 18 medalists, some of whom were personally onsite to receive their checks like jiu-jitsu gold medalist Annie Ramirez (P1 million) and boxing silver medalist Eumir Marcial (P500,000).

POC athletes commission head Nikko Huelgas received EJ Obiena’s check while other jiu-jitsu athletes present collected Meggie Ochoa’s – both totaling P1 million each.

As for the gold-winning men’s basketball team, each member came away P200,000 richer, with MVP Group member Magnum Membrere receiving the symbolic check.

Wushu silver medalist Arnel Mandal likewise got P500,000, while tennis sensation Alex Eala collected P450,000 total for her bronzes in singles play and doubles with Francis Casey Alcantara (P150,000).

Patrick King Perez (poomsae), Patrick Coo (cycling), Sakura Alforte (karate), Kaila Napolis (jiu-jitsu), Erleen Ann Ando (weightlifting) and wushu’s Jones Inso, Gideon Padua and Clemente Tabugara were rewarded P300,000 each.

Sepak takraw’s Jason Huerte, Rheyjey Ortouste, Vince Torno, Mark Joseph Gonzales, Ronsited Gabayeron, and Jom Lerry Rafael received P200,000 each for their two bronze medals in men’s quadrant and regu. –

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