SEA Games 2023

Michael Phillips, Jerom Lastimosa make Gilas debuts for SEA Games

JR Isaga

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Michael Phillips, Jerom Lastimosa make Gilas debuts for SEA Games

FIRST-TIMERS. La Salle forward Michael Phillips and Adamson guard Jerom Lastimosa at the UAAP Season 85 men's basketball tournament

UAAP Season 85 Media Team

UAAP standouts Michael Phillips of La Salle and Jerom Lastimosa of Adamson are set for their Gilas Pilipinas debuts at the 2023 Southeast Asian Games gold-medal redemption campaign

MANILA, Philippines – UAAP standouts Michael Phillips and Jerom Lastimosa are donning the Gilas Pilipinas colors for the first time in their careers as the national team’s 2023 Southeast Asian Games title redemption bid kicks off in Cambodia.

As confirmed by the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP), Phillips and Lastimosa made it to the final 12 and will join veterans Justin Brownlee, Christian Standhardinger, CJ Perez, Chris Newsome, Chris Ross, and Marcio Lassiter.

Other fresher faces on the team include Brandon Ganuelas-Rosser, Arvin Tolentino, Calvin Oftana, and incoming UAAP rookie Mason Amos.

Standing by as reserves are Aaron Black, Jeremiah Gray, and Ben Phillips, Michael’s older brother and fellow La Salle core piece.

Gilas, which is coming off a stunning second-place finish last year in Vietnam, kicks off its gold medal campaign on Tuesday, May 9, against Malaysia.

Host Cambodia tests them next on Thursday, May 11, before Singapore takes a crack on Saturday, May 13. –

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GAME SCHEDULE: Gilas Pilipinas at 2023 SEA Games

GAME SCHEDULE: Gilas Pilipinas at 2023 SEA Games

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