Philippine volleyball

SCHEDULE: Philippine volleyball at the 2023 Southeast Asian Games

JR Isaga

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SCHEDULE: Philippine volleyball at the 2023 Southeast Asian Games
The Philippine men's volleyball team kicks off its 2023 SEA Games campaign on Wednesday, May 3, while the women slug it out starting May 9

MANILA, Philippines – For the second year in a row due to delays caused by the pandemic, the Southeast Asian Games are once again right around the corner in Cambodia with the Philippines aiming to improve from its fourth-place medal tally finish last year.

Helping that cause anew are the country’s national volleyball teams, with the men’s team starting its campaign on Wednesday, May 3, two days before the opening ceremonies in Phnom Penh.

Here are the elimination round schedules for both teams:

An all-new men’s team under the leadership of captain Vince Mangulabnan and Jau Umandal hopes to replicate 2019’s Cinderella run to the finals for a historic silver medal finish.

Meanwhile, the women’s team now under the captainship of Alyssa Valdez seeks to snap an 18-year medal drought which started back home in the Philippines’ 2005 hosting of the SEA Games. –

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