UAAP Volleyball

‘Uncalled for,’ ‘lack of due process:’ UE coach Jerry Yee slams season-long ban

JR Isaga

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‘Uncalled for,’ ‘lack of due process:’ UE coach Jerry Yee slams season-long ban

IN THE DARK. UE Lady Warriors head coach Jerry Yee reacts in the UAAP Season 86 women's volleyball tournament

UAAP Season 86 Media Team

UE women's volleyball head coach Jerry Yee slams the UAAP's three-month, season-long suspension – a move he insinuates was started by his former employer Adamson

MANILA, Philippines – The UAAP rocked the Season 86 women’s volleyball landscape on Sunday, March 3, after it announced a season-long suspension spanning three months on UE Lady Warriors head coach Jerry Yee for “acts that are inconsistent with the purposes of the [UAAP] Association.”

Per a league statement, the complaint was “raised by a member school on account of conduct violative of the purposes of the UAAP – a platform for Member Universities to foster camaraderie and fair play,” concurred by the league Board of Trustees last Thursday, February 29, and handed on Friday, March 1.

Yee, no longer allowed to enter game arenas as set by the suspension’s parameters, met with members of the media in a separate venue to express his disappointment with the verdict.

“I maintain that there was no ethical breach in my decision to accept UE’s head coaching job, because it was a mutual parting of ways for both Adamson and I,” he wrote in a prepared statement.

“It is unfortunate that this career decision of mine has been met with vitriol at the late-onset, borne out of vindictiveness ironically from an institution that prides itself in instilling Catholic virtues and teachings,” he continued, insinuating that the complaint came from Adamson’s side.

Assistant coach Dr. Obet Vital will take over the Lady Warriors for the duration of suspension, or until a favorable decision is met on Yee’s appeal – scheduled for filing on Monday, March 4.

“I met again with Adamson and [sponsor] Akari around the first week of June 2023 to discuss a mutual termination of agreement, and thereafter on June 7, 2023, the school issued a “statement of release” effectively terminating my services as head coach of the Lady Falcons,” Yee’s statement continued.

“While focusing on my teams in the NCAA (CSB) and PVL (Farm Fresh), UE approached and offered me a head coaching job which I accepted on June 21, 2023.”

League representatives have politely declined in issuing further statements or clarifications on the exact nature of Yee’s offenses out of respect for his incoming appeal.

“My dismay with the UAAP board’s decision is merely secondary to the disappointment that I hold in not being able to fulfill my commitment in coaching and mentoring the UE Lady Warriors,” Yee’s statement continued. “Moreover, this decision also unduly deprives me of the right to obtain other sources of living and providing for my family.”

“I think it’s uncalled for and there was no due process,” he continued in a separate interview. “They did not get my side on this and I was surprised that there was something like this.

Yee now hopes his side will be heard as he maintained he was blindsided by the decision and is still in the dark on what he did wrong.

“If they give me an audience, I can speak up,” he continued. “For now, our practices continue.” –

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