international volleyball

‘Huge for us’: Canada completes VNL redemption bid

Philip Matel

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‘Huge for us’: Canada completes VNL redemption bid

RISING. Team Canada huddles during a Manila leg game in the Volleyball Nations League.


‘We really needed to be put in a tough situation to be able to come together and win as a team,’ says outside hitter Eric Loepkky as Canada gears up for the Final Eight just a year after a dismal VNL run

MANILA, Philippines – After a woeful run last year, Canada completed its redemption bid in the Volleyball Nations League (VNL). 

The Canadians, who already booked a spot in the 2024 Paris Olympics, earned a VNL Final Eight berth after a 4-0 sweep of the Manila leg – a perfect run that propelled them to a fourth-best 8-4 record heading into the final playoffs in Lodz, Poland.

“We really needed to be put in a tough situation to be able to come together and win as a team. I think that’s huge for us,” said Canadian outside hitter Eric Loepkky.

World No. 9 Canada had a dismal VNL run last year, missing the cut entirely after falling to 12th place with a 3-9 record. 

But this year in Manila, Canada put on a show, even capping its run with a thriller after going full five sets against the Netherlands, 21-25, 25-22, 28-26, 14-25, 15-9, on Saturday, June 22.

The Canadians even spoiled the 37-point outburst – and potential farewell game – of Dutch ace Nimir Abdel-Aziz.

“Fourth game in five days, five-setter, crazy environment,” said Loepkky. “We wanted that win so bad and so did they. I don’t know if that was Nimir’s last game with the national team, and they wanted to win for him, and we wanted to win for us.” 

“It went to be a really tough match mentally and also physically,” he added.

Before the tight win, Canada also pulled off triumphs over crowd favorite Japan, Germany, and Brazil.

“[It’s] really important for us moving forward because all we have left is the Final Eight and the Olympics, so all those games are going to be like this, so it’s really important for us,” said Loepkky.

The Canadians also have a huge chance of returning here next year as Manila will host the FIVB Men’s World Championship in 2025 where 32 teams, including the Philippines, will tussle for the crown.

“We have been working, being humble and trying to improve,” said Canada head coach Tuomas Sammelvuo. “We’ll never stop.” – 

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