Premier Volleyball League

Choco Mucho brings in Dindin Santiago-Manabat, import Zoi Faki to offset key absences

Delfin Dioquino

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Choco Mucho brings in Dindin Santiago-Manabat, import Zoi Faki to offset key absences

NEW ADDITIONS. Dindin Santiago-Manabat and Zoi Faki of the Choco Mucho Flying Titans.

Rebisco Volleyball Facebook page

Choco Mucho acquires Dindin Santiago-Manabat and import Zoi Faki ahead of the PVL Reinforce Conference – moves that somehow allieviate the absence of Sisi Rondina and Cherry Nunag, who will be busy with Alas Pilipinas duty

MANILA, Philippines – Reinforcements are coming for Choco Mucho as the Flying Titans are set to miss key players Sisi Rondina and Cherry Nunag for their upcoming PVL campaign.

The Titans acquired veteran Dindin Santiago-Manabat and import Zoi Faki ahead of the Reinforced Conference in July – moves that somehow alleviate the absence of Rondina and Nunag, who will be busy with national team duties.

Rondina and Nunag, members of the Alas Pilipinas crew that won a historic bronze in the recent AVC Challenge Cup, will remain with the national team for the FIVB Women’s Challenger Cup in July and Southeast Asia V.League in August.

Santiago-Manabat landed at Choco Mucho after her supposed trade from Akari to Nxled reportedly fell through.

A 6-foot-2 opposite hitter who has played overseas in Japan and Thailand, Santiago-Manabat provides much-needed firepower for a squad that looks to get over the hump after settling for second in the last two conferences.

Meanwhile, Faki is an outside hitter from Greece who played collegiate volleyball for Pittsburgh University and San Diego State University in the US NCAA.

She then suited up for Greek clubs AO Thiras and Apollon Kalamatas.

The Titans will also get a chance to bring in a young player as they get the No. 11 pick in the inaugural PVL Draft. –

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Delfin Dioquino

Delfin Dioquino dreamt of being a PBA player, but he did not have the skills to make it. So he pursued the next best thing to being an athlete – to write about them. He took up journalism at the University of Santo Tomas and joined Rappler as soon as he graduated in 2017.