international volleyball

Japan volley star Yuji Nishida suffers abdomen issue after Ran Takahashi injury

JR Isaga

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Japan volley star Yuji Nishida suffers abdomen issue after Ran Takahashi injury

SOARING. Japan men's volleyball star Yuji Nishida in action in the 2024 Men's Volleyball Nations League


Another Japanese men's volleyball superstar gets his wings clipped as Yuji Nishida goes down with an apparent abdominal injury ahead of their blockbuster VNL Manila finale against USA

MANILA, Philippines – Despite all the love it is getting on Philippine soil for the 2024 Men’s Volleyball Nations League (VNL), the Japanese men’s volleyball team just can’t catch a break.

Merely a day after superstar spiker Ran Takahashi cut short his most recent Manila stint at just one game played due to a reported injury, fellow key cog Yuji Nishida also went down with an apparent abdominal issue on Saturday, June 22, in an eventual five-set, reverse-sweep stunner over mighty France.

Speaking to reporters after the incredible comeback win, Japan’s head coach Philippe Blain simply gestured to his right abdomen area when asked about Nishida’s issue and politely declined to give further details and a return timeline.

As of posting, Nishida’s status for Japan’s blockbuster Manila leg send-off showdown against the USA remains doubtful. Given the proximity of the 2024 Paris Olympics this July, it is very likely that the fiery opposite hitter will not suit up against the veteran American side.

“Nishida felt a small pain, so we preferred to rest him. This match is important but [the] Olympics is more important for us,” Blain said after the thrilling win against his home country.

For now, Japan will again likely lean on captain Yuki Ishikawa to don the hero’s cape against the USA, with a more-than-capable supporting cast surrounding him like winger Kento Miyaura, setter Masahiro Sekita, and middle blockers Kentaro Takahashi and Akihiro Yamauchi.

Against France, lone star Ishikawa detonated for a game-high 33 points, while Miyaura proved to be a reliable secondary option with 19.

Already assured of spots in the Olympics and VNL playoffs, Japan will likely ease off the gas against the Micah Christenson-led USA. The Americans, meanwhile, are expected to be the aggressors on the outside looking in with a 5-6 record and a slim chance to enter the top 8.

Regardless of the implications and Nishida’s condition, both teams are still expected to give a satisfying conclusion to another successful VNL Manila week. –

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