Premier Volleyball League

PNVF keeps 2023 PVL import ban, stresses importance of FIVB national team calendar

JR Isaga

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PNVF keeps 2023 PVL import ban, stresses importance of FIVB national team calendar

Akari import Prisilla Rivera (14) celebrates in the PVL Reinforced Conference.

PVL Images

The Philippine National Volleyball Federation stands firm on the import ban for the 2023 PVL season-ending third conference after the league's 'unauthorized' hosting of the Invitational Conference during the FIVB national team period

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Volleyball Federation (PNVF) is not budging on its import ban for the upcoming 2023 Premier Volleyball League (PVL) season-ending third conference.

In an interview at the Mall of Asia Arena during the 2023 Volleyball Men’s Nations League, PNVF president Ramon “Tats” Suzara said the ban remains in place to stress to the PVL and its team owners the importance of prioritizing the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) national team period from May 15 to October 15.

“It’s not my decision. It’s the decision of the FIVB because there’s a calendar and this calendar has to be followed. If the calendar is not followed, then the federation will also be in trouble, so I had to inform the PVL,” Suzara explained on Sunday, July 9.

“It’s simple – if you don’t get foreign players, it’s okay, the PVL will not be affected, but if you get foreign players, it will be a problem because you need to have international transfer certificates [from the FIVB].”

As first reported by the Daily Tribune, the PVL drew the attention of the PNVF after it held the mid-season Invitational Conference last June 27, which is within the provided FIVB national team period, “without due authorization.”

The federation then imposed the import ban as a consequence of the league violating Article 6.1.1.b of the FIVB Regulations 2022, which laid out the prioritization of the national team calendar.

In response, the PVL called for a dialogue with the PNVF and said there would be a season-ending third conference with or without imports.

With the ban still in effect, the PNVF now hopes to gather PVL officials and team owners to talk about prioritizing the national team period.

“Mr. Palou is now talking to the team owners. I hope they would understand that. I told them I’m ready to invite the team owners so they will understand,” Suzara said, referring to PVL president Ricky Palou. –

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