Premier Volleyball League

PVL or Spikers’ Turf? Rebisco managers hint third team coming

JR Isaga

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PVL or Spikers’ Turf? Rebisco managers hint third team coming

GROWING FAMILY. Players of Creamline and Choco Mucho huddle after the former's 2023 PVL Second All-Filipino Conference title win over the latter

PVL Images

The Rebisco company – owner of uber-popular PVL teams Creamline and Choco Mucho – hint at a third team coming soon, albeit without clues on which league

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine volleyball leagues continue to grow left and right, which can only bode well for the local sports scene.

The Rebisco company – owner of uber-popular Premier Volleyball League (PVL) teams Creamline and Choco Mucho – seems to have an inside track on this trend as well, but is not quite keen on revealing details just yet.

During a sponsorship event by insurance company Allianz in Mandaluyong City on Thursday, February 8, team managers of both the Cool Smashers and Flying Titans hinted just enough to get fans buzzing on what’s in store for the company’s future in volleyball.

“There is news that there might be a third Rebisco team on the way,” said Creamline manager Alan Acero. “You might want to set additional budget for the future,” he added in jest to Allianz representatives in attendance.

“Soon, Choco Mucho will no longer be the shobe (younger sister),” added Choco Mucho’s Rollie Delfino. “There will be something coming up, so let’s just wait for it.”

Pressed multiple times by media members on which league will Rebisco expand its reach to, both team managers politely remained tight-lipped on further details.

Even Rebisco’s top brand ambassador, Creamline superstar Alyssa Valdez, merely smiled on the questions and redirected media members back to the team managers, seeing as how it’s understandably not her call to reveal company secrets.

Getting confirmation on which league the rumored third team will be revealed at would have been crucial, as initial reports by bared that Rebisco is entering the men’s semi-pro league Spikers’ Turf in the near future, with former Cignal superstar spiker Marck Espejo being its top recruit.

Volleyball season fires off next week, with the PVL tipping off on February 20.

Rebisco is currently riding an all-time high in fan engagement, as Creamline and Choco Mucho’s 2023 Second All-Filipino Conference finals Game 2 clash reset the Philippine volleyball crowd record with nearly 24,500 fans tuning in at the Araneta Coliseum.

Regardless of where the next Rebisco squad will stay, it can only do good for athletes and fans, as more teams oftentimes translate to better competition and bigger exposure for the local volleyball scene. –

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