international volleyball

Sergio Veloso heads Alas grassroots program; Angiolino Frigoni takes over men’s team

Philip Matel

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Sergio Veloso heads Alas grassroots program; Angiolino Frigoni takes over men’s team

CHANGING CAREERS. Ateneo women's volleyball head coach Sergio Veloso reacts in the UAAP Season 86 women's volleyball tournament.

UAAP Season 86 Media Team

The Philippine National Volleyball Federation shakes up the Alas Pilipinas men's team anew, putting Italian Olympian Angiolino Frigoni in the place of Sergio Veloso, who is moving down to the grassroots level

MANILA, Philippines – Sergio Veloso is taking on a new role with Alas Pilipinas, shifting his focus to developing the country’s new grassroots program.

Philippine National Volleyball Federation (PNVF) president Ramon “Tats” Suzara made the announcement on the fifth day of the 2024 Men’s Volleyball Nations League (VNL) Manila leg on Saturday, June 22, as Veloso’s old post of Alas head coach would be taken over by two-time Olympic coach Angiolino Frigoni. 

“Sergio will now be director for junior development, so we are now setting up a junior development program,” Suzara told reporters.

“He will be in charge of the Under-18 and Under-20 of the men’s and women’s teams as, you know, we are participating in the U18 boys tournament and the women’s U20 in the [Asian Indoor Martial Arts Games] in Bangkok this November,” he added.

According to Suzara, Veloso will be in charge of feeding talent to the seniors teams as well as identifying and developing talent for Alas.

Veloso, who concurrently coaches the Ateneo Blue Eagles women’s volleyball team, will head to Cebu for the upcoming Palarong Pambansa in Cebu this July.

Meanwhile, Suzara will look to add Filipino-American talent as the PNVF is set to hold an open tryout in Los Angeles next week.

“After VNL on Tuesday, we will leave for Los Angeles and we will have a tryout in the US with Filipino-Americans. Just like last year we had (Steve) Rotter and Ryan Kaa,” said Suzara.

“We expect more tryouts this year, not only for men’s indoor but also women’s indoor and beach volleyball potential Fil-Ams,” added Suzara, who detailed that there are about 45 who signed up for the tryout.

“Especially now that we have a new Italian coach, he’s a two-time Olympic coach. He is Angiolino Frigoni, and he’s here to share [with] us his expertise and bring our team and elevate their skills next year.” –

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