Premier Volleyball League

Tots Carlos wins back-to-back PVL MVPs as KingWhale standouts earn 2 awards

JR Isaga

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Tots Carlos wins back-to-back PVL MVPs as KingWhale standouts earn 2 awards

TOP GUN. PVL Open Conference MVP Tots Carlos stands out anew for Creamline in the Invitational Conference.

PVL Media Bureau

Creamline's Tots Carlos ties Myla Pablo for second-most PVL MVPs while KingWhale's Liao Yi-Jen and Qiu Shi-Qing earn Best Setter and Best Libero awards, respectively

MANILA, Philippines – Tots Carlos led the 2022 Premier Volleyball League (PVL) Invitational Conference batch of individual awardees with her second straight MVP award on Sunday, August 14.

The young star from UP not only tied Petro Gazz’s Myla Pablo for the second-most MVP awards, but she also nabbed her second consecutive Best Opposite Spiker award while Creamline teammate Alyssa Valdez and Cignal top scorer Ces Molina earned Best Open Spiker citations.

PLDT teammates Mika Reyes and Dell Palomata not only locked up their opponents on the court on their way to a semifinals berth, but also locked up the conference’s Best Middle Blocker awards.

Meanwhile, Liao Yi-Jen of KingWhale Taipei burst into the Philippine volleyball scene with her elite playmaking on the way to nabbing Best Setter honors while her pint-sized teammate Qiu Shi-Qing stood tallest as the Best Libero.

Statistical computation of the awards included the semifinal round, which enabled KingWhale players to qualify for the top plums. –

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