
Hackers deface House of Representatives website

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Hackers deface House of Representatives website

DEFACED. A screenshot of the defaced House of Representatives website.

(2nd UPDATE) The House of Representatives confirms its website 'experienced unauthorized access'

MANILA, Philippines – Hackers have apparently defaced the Philippine House of Representatives website, a cursory viewing of the website in question showed on Sunday, October 15.

The site, which appears under, has had its photo journals section and its press releases defaced with a trollface image.

Meanwhile, the Plenary site streaming notices replaced with Youtube videos of a dancing trollface.

The Streaming section of the House of Representatives website as of 11:55 am on October 15.

There is also attribution to the defacement, as a group called 3musketeerz is taking credit for the hacking.

The site appears to have been taken offline as of 12:13 pm.

In a statement on Sunday afternoon, the House of Representatives leadership confirmed its website “experienced unauthorized access.”

The statement goes on to say that “immediate steps have been taken to address the issue, and we are working closely with the Department of Information and Communications Technology and law enforcement agencies to investigate the matter.” –

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