
Google terminates Quiboloy channel in ‘compliance with applicable US sanctions laws’

Gelo Gonzales

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Google terminates Quiboloy channel in ‘compliance with applicable US sanctions laws’
'After review and consistent with these policies, we terminated the Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy YouTube channel,' Google says

MANILA, Philippines – YouTube parent company Google on Thursday, June 22, provided a short statement on the June 21 takedown of Apollo Quiboloy’s channel:

“Google is committed to compliance with applicable US sanctions laws and enforces related policies under its Terms of Service. After review and consistent with these policies, we terminated the Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy YouTube channel”

Apollo Quiboloy was slapped with sanctions by the US in December 2022.

He is facing sanctions under Executive Order (EO) No. 13818 for “his connection to serious human rights abuse,” the US State Department said at the time.

“Pursuant to EO 13818, the Department of the Treasury is designating Quiboloy for his connection to serious human rights abuse. As the founder of the Philippines-based church, Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the Name Above Every Name (KOJC), Quiboloy took advantage of his leadership role within the KOJC to engage in a pattern of systemic and pervasive rape and other physical abuse involving minors as young as 11 years old from 2006 to at least 2020.”

The following are the specific sanctions:

The US government meted out the following sanctions on Quiboloy:

  • All properties and interests that are in the US or in possession of US persons are blocked and must be referred to the US’ treasury department.
  • Any entities directly or indirectly owned, 50% or more are blocked.
  • All transactions of US persons or within/transiting in the US that involve any of Quiboloy’s property or interests in property are prohibited, unless authorized.
  • Making or receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for Quiboloy’s benefit are also prohibited.

In YouTube’s terms of service, specifically under “Terminations and Suspensions by YouTube,” the video platform says:

“YouTube reserves the right to suspend or terminate your Google account or your access to all or part of the Service if (a) you materially or repeatedly breach this Agreement; (b) we are required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order; or (c) we believe there has been conduct that creates (or could create) liability or harm to any user, other third party, YouTube or our Affiliates.”

Despite block, Quiboloy presence remains on YouTube

Quiboloy has been indicted in the US for sex trafficking charges and bulk cash smuggling, among others, with the federal warrant for his arrest being issued on November 10, 2021. 

While YouTube took down Quiboloy’s individual account, the platform continues to host him via the Kingdom of Jesus Christ channel. The channel has been actively uploading videos over the past 24 hours, publishing 17 videos, majority of which show Quiboloy preaching – content similar to the ones posted on his terminated individual account.

Screenshot taken on June 22, 2023

Rappler has reached out to Google on whether its compliance to US sanctions laws also apply to other YouTube assets connected to the person or just their individual account.

Facebook, Twitter host Quiboloy accounts

YouTube’s takedown based on compliance with US sanctions laws raises the question on whether other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter also uphold compliance standards, specifically with regards to persons with a standing US arrest warrant and indictment.

Facebook continues to host a checkmark-bearing, verified Quiboloy account with a follower base of 1.2 million.

Screenshot taken on June 22, 2023

On Twitter, Quiboloy has an official but checkmark-less account with 11,300 followers.

Screenshot taken on June 22, 2023

Rappler has also reached out to Facebook owner Meta, and Twitter. –

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Gelo Gonzales

Gelo Gonzales is Rappler’s technology editor. He covers consumer electronics, social media, emerging tech, and video games.