
SolarWinds hack obtained emails of top US Department of Homeland Security officials


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SolarWinds hack obtained emails of top US Department of Homeland Security officials
The intelligence value of the Department of Homeland Security hack is not publicly known

Hackers suspected of working for Russia got access to an email account belonging to the former head of the US Department of Homeland Security, which is responsible for cybersecurity, in the SolarWinds hack, the Associated Press reported on Monday, March 29.

The AP report said the intelligence value of the hacking of Chad Wolf, the former acting secretary of the DHS, and of email accounts belonging to officials in the department’s cybersecurity staff, was not publicly known.

The DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In the security breach at SolarWinds Corp which came to light in December, hackers infiltrated the US tech company’s network management software and added code that allowed them to spy on end users. The hackers penetrated 9 federal agencies and 100 companies.

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Last week, Reuters reported that a planned Biden administration executive order would require many software vendors to notify their federal government customers when the companies have a cybersecurity breach. –

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