Beach Volleyball Republic: Bringing volleyball to more people

CJ Maglunog

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Beach Volleyball Republic: Bringing volleyball to more people

A number of notable volleyball stars in the Philippines have come together to form the Beach Volleyball Republic (BVR), an organization that “believes in beach volleyball as a lifestyle” and aims to promote the sport in different areas of the country.

Brought together by Gretchen Ho, Fille Cainglet-Cayetano, Dzi Gervacio, Charo Soriano, and Bea Tan, the BVR hopes to take advantage of the numerous beaches around the Philippines where they can hold beach volley tournaments and workshops for fans.

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CJ Maglunog

CJ Maglunog has been a content strategist for Rappler since 2015. Her work includes optimizing stories for various platforms. She’s a journalism graduate from Centro Escolar University.