Smart Gilas wins 2012 Jones Cup

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The Philippine team Smart Gilas won 76-75 over the USA team to win the gold medal in the 34th William Jones Cup on Sunday, August 26. It is the country’s first gold since winning in 1998 under head coach Tim Cone. It was point guard LA Tenorio who scored the winning basket with about 19 seconds left in the game. It was a come-from-behind-win for the Philippine national men’s basketball team. The team made a comeback after tailing by as much as 14 points in the second half. Tenorio, the shortest man on the court at 5’8, scored a total of 20 points. Gilas head coach Chot Reyes said in a press statement, “This might be the weakest Philippine team, the least prepared, smallest. What it has got is a big heart.”

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