How did Marcos Jr’s wealth increase as businesses went bankrupt?

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How did Marcos Jr’s wealth increase as businesses went bankrupt?

Mirroring his father’s time when the country’s economy was sinking while the family’s wealth was shooting over the roof, Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr’s wealth continues to rise even as his family businesses are operating at a loss. With a declared net worth of only P600,000 in 1992 after securing a seat in the House of Representatives for the 2nd district of Ilocos Norte, the 57-year-old Marcos scion’s net worth has jumped to P197.47 million or P441.997 million, depending on the basis of the computation in his Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth. Whichever computation is used, he remains the third richest senator, following Senators Ralph Recto and Cynthia Villar.

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