Lambanog’s regal spin-off

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Lambanog’s regal spin-off
Lambanog goes international with this Batangas-made world-class product

MANILA, Philippines – To Filipinos, the knock-out, humble lambanog is anything but subtle. Here’s a new take on the old brew with a name fit for royalty– Lakan.

Pia Ranada reports.

Sleek, smooth, powerful.
The classic Philippine lambanog has never looked this good.
Lakan, an extra premium lambanog brand is making waves internationally.
But it’s distilled right here in Lipa, Batangas.
Lawrence Lim formulated Lakan’s potent mix.

Lawrence gave me a bottle of lambanog 4 years ago. 
And I told myself then, this is comparable to the world’s best vodka, but it’s not vodka. 

But before Lakan, there was the lambanog you’d find on the street.
Sold for P250 a gallon, they’re made in backyard distilleries.
More premium lambanog brands distill the coconut nectar or tuba up to 3 times.
Lakan distills 4 to 6 times using special equipment.
One bottle of Lakan requires 50 liters of nectar.

TONY MANGUIAT, CEO, PHILIPPINE CRAFT DISTILLERS, INC: There is only one way to go from here because the source of the coconut nectar is from the farms of the country. So the whole country, the whole industry will benefit.

From humble beginnings to a global stage.  
Pia Ranada, Rappler, Lipa.


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