South Korea

Fire breaks out at South Korea battery plant, 20 bodies found, Yonhap reports


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Fire breaks out at South Korea battery plant, 20 bodies found, Yonhap reports

BATTERY PLANT FIRE. Emergency personnel work next to the body of a person killed in a deadly fire at a lithium battery factory owned by South Korean battery maker Aricell, in Hwaseong, South Korea, June 24, 2024.

Kim Hong-ji/Reuters

The blaze at the factory run by battery manufacturer Aricell began after a series of battery cells exploded inside a warehouse with some 35,000 units, a local fire official says

SEOUL, South Korea –  A fire broke out at a lithium battery manufacturing plant in South Korea on Monday, June 24, fire officials said, and Yonhap news agency reported that some 20 bodies had been found inside the factory.

The fire, which has largely been extinguished, occurred at around 10:30 a.m. (0130 GMT) at a factory run by battery manufacturer Aricell in Hwaseong, south of the capital Seoul.

The blaze began after a series of battery cells exploded inside a warehouse with some 35,000 units, said Kim Jin-young, a local fire official.

Yonhap said some 20 bodies were found, but Kim told a televised briefing that nine people died and four others were injured, with two in critical condition. –

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