North Korea fires cruise missiles, says South Korean military


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North Korea fires cruise missiles, says South Korean military

NORTH KOREAN VILLAGE. The North Korean propaganda village 'Gijungdong' is seen from a South Korean observation post inside the Joint Security Area during a media tour at the JSA on the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the border village of Panmunjom in Paju, South Korea, 03 March 2023.


South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff says a number of cruise missiles launched since early morning of Saturday, July 22, were detected

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea fired several cruise missiles toward the sea to the west of the Korean Peninsula, the South Korean military said on Saturday, July 22.

This would be North Korea’s latest missile launch since it fired two ballistic missiles on Wednesday, July 19, as Pyongyang and Washington step up displays of military force in a standoff over the isolated country’s nuclear weapons and missile programs.

A number of cruise missiles launched since around 4 am Saturday local time (1900 Friday GMT) were detected, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

On Wednesday, North Korea fired missiles hours after a US nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) surfaced for a rare visit to South Korea.

North Korea also warned on Thursday that deployment of US aircraft carriers, bombers or missile submarines in South Korea could meet criteria for its use of nuclear weapons. –

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