West Philippine Sea

US raises concerns about destabilization in South China Sea with Chinese minister


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US raises concerns about destabilization in South China Sea with Chinese minister

CHINESE HARASSMENT. The China Coast Guard brandishes weapons, uses sirens, and threatens Filipino soldiers already moored alongside the BRP Sierra Madre during a June 17, 2024 resupply mission in Ayungin Shoal.

Armed Forces of the Philippines

Earlier, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III 'reaffirmed the ironclad US commitment to the Philippines following dangerous actions on June 17'

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell raised concerns about China’s “destabilizing actions in the South China Sea” with the country’s Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu during a call on Thursday, June 27, the State Department said.

“The Deputy Secretary also reiterated that US commitments to the Philippines under the Mutual Defense Treaty remain ironclad,” the readout said.

Must Read

Austin: Commitment ‘ironclad’ after China’s ‘dangerous actions’ in Ayungin

Austin: Commitment ‘ironclad’ after China’s ‘dangerous actions’ in Ayungin

– Rappler.com

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