NATO members to crack down on Russian spies in response to sabotage, says Stoltenberg


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NATO members to crack down on Russian spies in response to sabotage, says Stoltenberg

JENS STOLTENBERG. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks to the media on the day of the NATO defense ministers' meeting at the Alliance's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium June 13, 2024.

Johanna Geron/Reuters

NATO defense ministers meeting in Brussels would 'address the Russian campaign of hostile activities against NATO allies,' Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, says

BRUSSELS, Belgium – NATO members are set to take tougher action against Russian spies across the alliance in response to a campaign of hostile activities by Moscow that includes acts of sabotage and cyber attacks, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday, June 13.

“We have seen several examples of sabotage, of arson attempts, of cyber attacks, of disinformation,” he told reporters, adding NATO defense ministers meeting in Brussels later in the day would “address the Russian campaign of hostile activities against NATO allies.”

Stoltenberg said ministers would also discuss NATO’s options to respond, including the protection of critical maritime and cyber infrastructure, and also “tighter restrictions on Russian intelligence personnel across the alliance”. –

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