Russia-Ukraine crisis

Sweden announces $1.3 billion military support for Ukraine


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Sweden announces $1.3 billion military support for Ukraine

PAAL JONSON. Swedish Defense Minister Paal Jonson attends the NORDEFCO press conference in Torshavn on the Faroe Islands, on April 30, 2024.

Alvur Haraldsen/Ritzau Scanpix/via Reuters

The support package would among other things help strengthen the Ukrainian air defense and includes Saab's Airborne Surveillance and Control 890 aircraft, Defense Minister Paal Jonson says

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Sweden will send military aid worth 13.3 billion Swedish crowns ($1.3 billion) to Ukraine, its biggest package so far, to aid the war against the Russian invasion, the Nordic country’s government said on Wednesday, May 29.

The package would among other things help strengthen the Ukrainian air defense and included Saab’s Airborne Surveillance and Control (ASC) 890 aircraft, Defense Minister Paal Jonson told a press conference.

The Swedish government said last week it had agreed on additional military support to Ukraine totalling 75 billion Swedish crowns ($7.1 billion) over three years. –

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