World View with Marites Vitug

World View with Marites Vitug: What a Trump victory would mean for Asia

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World View with Marites Vitug: What a Trump victory would mean for Asia
How should the Philippines and Asia prepare for a possible Trump presidency part 2? Catch the discussion on Friday, June 28, at 6 pm!

MANILA, Philippines – The United States finds itself in a déjà vu situation as former president Donald Trump once again guns for the White House.

Trump, who was recently found guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to a porn star, is challenging incumbent US President Joe Biden. The two, according to opinion polls, are in a tight race for the presidency.

On Friday, June 28, Rappler editor-at-large Marites Vitug speaks to analyst Thomas Shattuck on the prospects of Trump winning the presidency and what this would mean to Asia, especially in the face of tensions between China and its neighbors.

Shattuck is the senior program manager at Perry World House of the University of Pennsylvania. He also served as former deputy director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Asia Program.

How should the Philippines and Asia prepare for a possible round 2 of Trump? Catch the discussion on Friday, June 28, at 6 pm! –

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