Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic incumbent Abinader takes strong lead in preliminary results


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Dominican Republic incumbent Abinader takes strong lead in preliminary results

LUIS ABINADER. Dominican Republic's President and candidate for the Modern Revolutionary Party, Luis Abinader votes on the day of the presidential election at a polling station in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, May 19, 2024.

Henry Romero/Reuters

With about 38% of votes counted, Luis Abinader holds 59.24% of the vote, followed by three-time former President Leonel Fernandez with 26.97%, according to preliminary data from the Dominican Republic's central electoral board

The Dominican Republic’s hugely popular incumbent and anti-corruption crusader, Luis Abinader, was leading the presidential election in preliminary results by a wide margin on Sunday, May 19, paving the way for a swift victory

With about 38% of votes counted, Abinader held 59.24% of the vote, followed by three-time former President Leonel Fernandez with 26.97%, according to preliminary data from the Caribbean island nation’s central electoral board.

Abinader, 56, looked to be on his way to securing more than 50% of the total vote, ruling out a second round vote.

Up to 8 million eligible voters went to the polls to decide on a candidate best suited to take on the fallout from the humanitarian crisis next door in Haiti, tackle graft in government and tame inflation and inequality in the Caribbean’s top tourist destination.

Abinader, a former businessman and leader of the Modern Revolutionary Party, has staked his claim on his adept handling of the COVID-19 crisis. His hardline stance on Haiti and a crusade against corruption have helped gain more support than his two main opponents.

Fernandez, of the People’s Force party, has called his opponent weak on the economy and crime, while the Dominican Liberation Party’s Abel Martinez, a first-time candidate, has trumpeted his successes as mayor of the country’s second-largest city. Several others are polling at or under 1%.

Abinader is one of Latin America’s most popular presidents, with approval ratings around 70%, according to a CID-Gallup poll in September. He catapulted the island’s all-important tourism industry to recovery in record-breaking time, returning his country to a predicted 5% growth in GDP in 2024, according to World Bank figures.

But challenges remain. Crime – noted in travel warnings issued by the US State Department – ranks in polls as a major issue for citizens of the Dominican Republic. Many worry that migrants spilling over from neighboring Haiti could further aggravate the security situation.

And while the economy has soared, Abinader’s critics say he has work to do in taming inflation and inequality that have left many behind.

Despite the challenges, observers on and off the island say a recent overhaul of election laws, the country’s first-ever presidential debate in April and the Abinader administration’s anti-corruption drive will help ensure a successful Sunday vote, regardless of winner. –

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