Beirut explosions

UN scrambles to get aid to Beirut

Agence France-Presse

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UN scrambles to get aid to Beirut

DESTRUCTION. Destroyed trucks are pictured at Beirut port on August 7, 2020, three days after a massive blast there shook the Lebanese capital. - Rescuers combed through the rubble of Beirut port today in a search for survivors watched breathlessly by relatives of the missing, after an investigation.


The damage to Lebanon's largest port could limit the flow of food into the country, whose hospitals are overwhelmed with injured patients

The United Nations said Friday, August 7, it was desperately trying to get food, aid, and medical equipment to Beirut following the devastating explosion that ripped apart the Lebanese capital’s port.

The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) warned that as economically ravaged Lebanon imports 85% of its food, the flow could be severely damaged.

The World Health Organization (WHO), meanwhile, said it lost several containers of essential medical supplies in the blast, with personal protective equipment (PPE) completely burnt.

“WFP is concerned that the explosion and the damage to the port will exacerbate an already grim food security situation,” said the agency’s spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs.

The severe damage to Lebanon’s largest port “could limit the flow of food supplies into the country and push food prices beyond the reach of many,” she added.

Byrs said the WFP would be allocating 5,000 food parcels to affected families, which contain enough food to feed a family of 5 for a month.

It is also planning to import wheat flour and grains for bakeries and mills to help protect against food shortages.

The WHO said hospitals were overwhelmed with injured patients, with 3 hospitals now deemed non-functional, putting 400 beds out of use, and a further two hospitals partially damaged, putting a further 100 beds beyond use.

WHO called for $15 million (12.7 million euros) to cover immediate emergency trauma and humanitarian health needs.

Unicef, the UN children’s agency, said preliminary numbers suggested that up to 100,000 children’s homes had been damaged or destroyed and they were now displaced.

It said hundreds of thousands of PPE items for the country’s coronavirus response were destroyed. (READ: Lebanon coronavirus cases peak after deadly blast)

“We have initial reports of over 120 public and private schools that have sustained damage,” serving approximately 55,000 children, said Unicef spokeswoman Marixie Mercado.

The agency has launched a funding appeal for an initial $8.25 million.

“The needs are immediate and huge,” Mercado said. –

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