United Kingdom

Sunday Times newspaper backs opposition Labour Party in UK election


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Sunday Times newspaper backs opposition Labour Party in UK election

CAMPAIGN FOR CHANGE. British opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer speaks during a general election campaign event at the Vale Inn, in Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire, Britain on June 27, 2024.


The newspaper, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News UK, has backed the Conservatives at every election since 2005 but said on Sunday that the country could not carry on with what it said was now an "exhausted" party

LONDON – Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper endorsed the main opposition Labour Party on Sunday, June 30, for the July 4 parliamentary election, saying in an editorial that the country needs a “radical reset” after 14 years of Conservative rule.

The newspaper, owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News UK, has backed the Conservatives at every election since 2005 but said on Sunday that the country could not carry on with what it said was now an “exhausted” party.

“We believe it is now the right time for Labour to be entrusted with restoring competence to government,” the editorial said. “There comes a time when change is the only option.”

Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is far ahead of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives in the opinion polls.

The Sunday Times said the period since 2016 – the year of the Brexit referendum – had been defined by political chaos which had distracted Conservative leaders from the issues which matter most to voters – healthcare, schools and the economy.

“The Conservatives have in effect forfeited the right to govern. In opposition they must regroup, rejuvenate, reject internecine fighting and stop blaming everyone else for their woes,” the newspaper said.

The Sun, one of Britain’s best selling newspapers which is also owned by Murdoch, has not yet said which party it is endorsing in the election. It has a strong track record of picking election winners.

Among other newspapers, the Daily Mirror and the Guardian have also endorsed Labour, while the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph have backed the Conservatives. The Economist, a pro-business weekly magazine, has thrown its weight behind Labour. – Rappler.com

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