United States

Alleged leaker Teixeira’s unit ordered to halt intelligence mission – Air Force


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Alleged leaker Teixeira’s unit ordered to halt intelligence mission – Air Force

ARRESTED. FBI agents arrest Jack Teixeira, an employee of the US Air Force National Guard, in connection with an investigation into the leaks online of classified US documents, outside a residence in this still image taken from video in North Dighton, Massachusetts, US, April 13, 2023.

WCVB-TV via ABC via Reuters

The US Air Force says all units would also have to carry out a 'security-focused standdown' sometime in the next 30 days

WASHINGTON, DC, USA – The US Air Force’s 102nd Intelligence Wing, which the alleged leaker of classified information belonged to, has been ordered to halt its intelligence mission as the service’s inspector general carries out an investigation, the Air Force said on Tuesday, April 18.

The Air Force said all units would also have to carry out a “security-focused standdown” sometime in the next 30 days.

Jack Teixeira has been charged with unlawfully copying and transmitting classified material after being accused of leaking top secret military intelligence records online.

The leaked documents are the most serious US security breach since more than 700,000 documents, videos and diplomatic cables appeared on the WikiLeaks website in 2010.

“The 102nd Intelligence Wing is not currently performing its assigned intelligence mission,” Air Force Spokesperson Ann Stefanek said in statement.

The Air Force inspector general would investigate the unit’s “compliance with policy, procedures, and standards… related to the release of national security information,” Stefanek added.

The 102nd Intelligence Wing, which is based in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, says on its website its mission is to provide “worldwide precision intelligence and command and control along with trained and experienced airmen for expeditionary combat support and homeland security.”

Since May 2022, Teixeira had been serving as an E-3/airman first class in the Air National Guard and had Top Secret security clearance.

If the accusations against Teixeira are correct, the Air Force will be under pressure to explain how he could have smuggled and disseminated highly classified intelligence for months without being noticed.

Reuters has reviewed more than 60 of the documents, labeled “Secret” and “Top Secret,” but has not independently verified their authenticity. The number of documents leaked is likely to be over 100. – Rappler.com

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