United States

Biden warns Supreme Court ruling on immunity is ‘dangerous precedent’


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Biden warns Supreme Court ruling on immunity is ‘dangerous precedent’

PRESIDENT BIDEN. US President Joe Biden delivers remarks after the US Supreme Court ruled on former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's bid for immunity from federal prosecution for 2020 election subversion, at the White House in Washington, USA on July 1, 2024.

Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters

(1st UPDATE) 'This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America,' US President Joe Biden says, adding that no one is above the law. With the Supreme Court decision, he says, 'That fundamentally changed.'

WASHINGTON, USA – US President Joe Biden on Monday, July 1, criticized the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity that was seen as a win for his election rival, former President Donald Trump, calling it a dangerous precedent that did a disservice to the American people.

In calm, measured remarks from the White House, Biden said the decision meant Trump was highly unlikely to go on trial before the November 5 election for his role in seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election .

The US Supreme Court found on Monday that Trump cannot be prosecuted for any actions that were within his constitutional powers as president, but can be for private acts, in a landmark ruling recognizing for the first time any form of presidential immunity from prosecution.

“This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each, each of us is equal before the law. No one, no one is above the law. Not even the president of the United States,” Biden said.

With the decision on Monday, he said, “that fundamentally changed.”

Biden is running for re-election against Trump and has been sharply critical of his rival’s actions related to the January 6, 2021, raid on the US Capitol by Trump’s supporters, who believed Trump’s false claims that he had won the 2020 election.

“Now the man who sent that mob to the US Capitol is facing potential criminal conviction for what happened that day. The American people deserve to have an answer in the courts before the upcoming election,” Biden said, referring to Trump being on trial for his role in spurring the riot.

Biden said the public has a right to know what the results of that prosecution before the election in November. “Now, because of today’s decision, that is highly, highly unlikely. It’s a terrible disservice to the people in this nation.”

Biden, 81, was making his first set of remarks at the White House since his shaky debate against Trump last week led to calls for him to step aside as the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer for the election.

After he stumbled over his words on the Atlanta debate stage, his remarks and comportment are being scrutinized for signs that he is up to the job of running for re-election and of governing the country for four more years. – Rappler.com


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  1. RS

    I think those fools in the Supreme Court forgot that Joe Biden will still be president for at least seven more months. Does that mean that he could in theory order the assassination of Trump or anyone else he doesn’t like and still be immune from prosecution? This is a ruling almost as shameful as Plessy v. Ferguson or even Dred Scott v. Sanford.

  2. JD

    If the US president is absolutely immune from prosecution for “core official functions as chief executive”, does that mean theoretically Biden can now unilaterally declare martial law, have Trump arrested without judicial oversight, and shut down any post on social media carte blanche or even shut down any social media platform at all in his sole judgment that poses a threat to the US?

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