2022 Philippine Elections

[PODCAST] Seat of Power: 2022 political moves start now


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[PODCAST] Seat of Power: 2022 political moves start now
Rappler reporter Pia Ranada summarizes how recent political moves will affect the 2022 landscape and what this means for voters

Less than a year from elections, we are starting to get a better idea of what the 2022 presidential and vice presidential race will look like.

Bickering in ruling political party PDP-Laban is louder and messier, politicians are starting to suggest tandems, and a citizens’ coalition prepares to rally around a candidate.

Many are waiting to see what the notoriously unpredictable Rodrigo Duterte will do – will he give in to his partymates and run for vice president? Will he endorse someone and just retire when his term ends?

In this episode of the Seat of Power podcast, Malacañang reporter Pia Ranada takes you through developments in the 2022 political landscape and what they mean for Filipino voters.

– Rappler.com

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